BREW Sequential Debugging is a feature that helps us to find the current values (for eg:Current memory utilization) of various parameters during runtime, displayed on the handset (or Simulator ) screen.
To enable it :After launching the app,
Enter : ###BREWDEBUG# OR ###273933284#
###0: Turn Debugging off.
###1: Memory Validation On every heap access, BREW walksthe heap to determine if the pointer is in valid range andwill not over-write/over-read a heap node. An exceptionwill be thrown if the heap access will cause corruption of a heap node.
###3: Largest Available Heap BlockDisplays the maximum size block that can be allocated onthe heap in the upper left corner of the screen.
###5: Debug Malloc – throws exception on MALLOC failure
###6: Debug Null – Every Nth MALLOC is failed When thisdebug sequence is turned on, every Nth MALLOC willfail, even if RAM is available. Currently, N is set to 100.
###7: Sync/Async DBGPRINTF This debug sequence togglesbetween two modes: synchronous DBGPRINTF andasynchronous DBFPRINTF. In synchronous DBGPRINTFmode, BREW waits for certain duration before returningfrom a DBGPRINTF statement in order to allow time forthe DBGPRINTF message to be sent on the serial port. Inthe default, asynchronous mode, the DBGPRINTF returns immediately.
###9: Debug Dump HeapEvery time this sequence is pressed, heap andresource usage information is dumped on the emulator debug windowor onto the Serial port.
(All these has been tried and tested only on MotoRazr)
For a detailed info. check the following link: